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Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club is held every morning and is supported by the Victorian Foodbank. It provides a breakfast for all students who would like one. The breakfast club is staffed by our ES staff and approved volunteers who all hold current Working with Children checks and supported by the Junior School Council. All students that attend the Breakfast Club have a choice of cereal, toast, fruit and a variety of drinks.


Play Lunch & Lunch Arrangements

Students are encouraged to bring a healthy lunchbox for snack and lunch. Snack could include cheese, fruit, vegetable sticks, dry biscuits and dip. Lunches may include sandwiches, wraps, or salads. Individual water bottles are kept in the classroom and students are encouraged to have regular drinks. Nuts and nut products can be brought to school UNLESS you are advised by the classroom teacher due to serious allergic reaction by some students. At school, students are encouraged to eat all their lunch, so please try and provide sufficient without being too much to manage. Lunches are eaten in classrooms or outside in the communal areas when the weather permits.

Orders are delivered to our school from 'Balanced Living Catering' arriving at lunch time.


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Lilydale Primary School

phone: 97351642

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Lilydale Primary School

63 Castella Street

LILYDALE  Victoria  3140

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