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Marrung Aboriginal Education

At Lilydale Primary School we teach and embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into the curriculum sharing the wonder of Indigenous knowledge to support Indigenous peoples as well as promoting a culture of understanding and respect towards cultural diversity for all children.  


We have a well-equipped and growing library of Indigenous books to support our staff in the sharing of traditional dreaming stories written by Aboriginal authors. To ensure our arts programs are powerful learning experiences they are enhanced with incursions and excursions to help explore cultural dance, music, language and creative art. We see this as a valuable way to talk about and authenticate culture. We believe through this, our students learn to develop an acceptance of different cultures and deepen their understanding of, and respect for differences.  

Our staff have engaged in Community Understanding and Safety Training (CUST) professional learning to increase their understanding of Koorie culture, history, and experiences. We seek out Indigenous professional development opportunities to give our staff the knowledge and confidence to engage respectfully with our students, parents and the extended community.  

With the support from our Koorie Engagement Support Officer (KESO) the students who identify as Koorie are involved in the practice of yarning circles. This enables them to sit together in a circle inside or out on land to talk, listen or share stories and ideas to ensure their culture is celebrated and not lost.   


NB: The term ‘Koorie’ is used with respect to inclusively refer to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Victoria  

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