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Visual Arts

The Visual Arts program at Lilydale Primary encourages the development of imagination, creativity and builds skills by exploring ideas and experimenting with a range of art elements. Student ideas are inspired by themes, books, artworks, personal experiences, observations and feelings about themselves and their world. The elements of Art that the children engage in over the course of a year are painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, threads and textiles, construction, modelling and collage.

  • The Visual Arts program is based on the Victorian Curriculum, which outlines a practical and theoretical curriculum. The standards in the Arts Domain are organised in two dimensions: Explore and Express and Visual Art Practices. Each semester a portfolio task is completed by all students.

  • The Visual Arts program is highly valued and supported by the school and community alike and an annual Art Show is held to showcase the children’s work. We are proud of our Art program and how it engages students in critical and creative thinking and gives them the opportunity of creating for an audience beyond the classroom.

  • Lilydale Primary also offers weekly extension Art lessons to children who display a passion for the Arts and these are undertaken in small group settings where children can be involved in activities not normally available to larger groups.


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Lilydale Primary School

phone: 97351642

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Lilydale Primary School

63 Castella Street

LILYDALE  Victoria  3140

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